Alright, folks, I have a burning question that could change the very course of literary history (or at least make for some excellent tweets). Dr. John Utley’s highly anticipated book EAT THE POSSUM is ready to hit the shelves, and we’re considering the perfect day for the big launch. So naturally, we asked ourselves: Why not February 2, 2025?

Yes, that’s Groundhog Day. And yes, we’re talking about launching a book called EAT THE POSSUM on a day when we celebrate a rodent predicting the weather.

Is this brilliant? Or are we losing our minds like Punxsutawney Phil after his third cup of coffee?

Here’s what we’re thinking:

  1. Groundhog, Possum—Same Thing, Right? Both are furry creatures that crawl out of their holes (or trash cans) and have a questionable relationship with people. It’s practically fate!
  2. Irony Level 10: If the groundhog sees his shadow and declares six more weeks of winter, should we eat the possum for warmth? What better time to release a survivalist cookbook than when winter just won’t quit?
  3. Memes for Days: Just picture the meme opportunities here. “Phil saw his shadow. Time to EAT THE POSSUM.” Chef’s kiss. You can thank us later when this goes viral.
  4. Weirdly…It Just Fits: Groundhog Day is all about tradition and predicting the future. What if EAT THE POSSUMis the quirky tradition the world needs? Besides, it’s 2025—normal is boring.

But here’s where YOU come in. We need your thoughts, opinions, hot takes, and general hilarity. Should EAT THE POSSUM make its grand debut on Groundhog Day? Or is this the worst idea since someone decided a groundhog could predict the weather?

Drop your funniest, wittiest, or most creative reply below. The one that makes us laugh the hardest or makes us go, “Wait…that’s actually genius,” will win a FREE autographed copy of EAT THE POSSUM—because who doesn’t want Dr. John Utley’s signature on a book about culinary courage (or questionable life choices)?

So, tell us—launch on Groundhog Day: yay or nay? What could possibly go wrong…right?

Let the possum debates begin!

#EATTHEPOSSUM #GroundhogDayLaunch #PossumOrPhil #PossumDebate

Disclaimer: No groundhogs (or possums) were harmed in the making of this blog post.

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